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- 海安县腾鹏机电设备制造有限公司是生产除尘、选粉、破碎、输送、给料和散装设备的专业性企业。HAI’AN TENGPENG ELECTRO-MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURING CO。,LTD is specializing in manufacturing cement equipments including dust collector ,crusher ,Conveyor lines ,-- ,-- 。公司位于江苏省海安县工业园区,地理条件优越,交通便利,204国道,沿海高速,新长铁路和宁启铁路均汇集于公司附近。Our factory located in Hai’an Industrial area , ,Jiangsu ,No。 204 national highway , inshore high express ,Xinchang railway ,Ningqi Railway are all arrounding us ,which make us have good geographic conditions and convenient transportation 。本公司技术力量雄厚,具有一批长期从事机电设备设计生产制造的专业性技术人才,拥有全套的生产检测设备,公司通过了ISO9001:2000国际质量体系认证,具有中等规模的机械加工制造能力。公司围绕“客户第一,质量为本,信誉如鼎,服务至上”的经营理念,满足客户的个性化需求,提供优质的服务,以客户的满意度作为衡量企业的标准,依靠成熟的技术及可靠的质量赢得了广大客户的信赖,产品畅销全国,并成套出口东南亚等国家,深受用户好评。With our long and special experience in industrial electrol –mechanical area ,high and advanced technology,full lines of production equipment and testing instrument ,authorized by ISO 9001 :2000 qualification ,Big –scale mechanical processing capability ,and act by the concept “ customer first ,Quality first ,Credit first ,Service First “ ,all of these make our products popular and confirmed widely from our clients in Cement industry ,steel and Iron industry ,and chemical industry from both China Market and oversea market , “Customer’s Satisfactroy “is the only standard and meansrement for all of our members 。公司热忱欢迎海内外专家、同仁 临指导,竭诚欢迎广大客户来公司考察,洽谈合作,共创未来。We are warmly welcome all customers from mainland and overseas to visit us for further communication and establishing wide cooperation in near future 。
更新时间: 03-14